At every moment at every day we all have a choice . choice to see and focus on what makes as happy or to only to focus and dwell on fear doubt and worry .
Are Thought caret feeling . and are feeling caret are experiences . so if we want to live a different experiences we must first change are thoughts and are mindset .would we rather moving through are life through are day to day feeling happy positive and grateful ..we enjoying are self first and people enjoy our company . attracting and having what we want .if so lets not explore are daily negative self talk . in other way not every thought cross are mind we have to listen to it this is what am referring to . because must of are negative talk its not real. for that i have for us 3 things will help us to see happiness as a clear choice.
-Put Things Into Perspective .
see what other people are going through
- Create A Gratitude list .
write down on a daily basis a list of things you are grateful to have .
- Focus on what you want
focusing is a choice. you can always dwell on what makes you feel not good but you also have the choice to think and focus on the good goods in your life
positive thinking it's simply knowing that we have always a choice to get happy.
get happy