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Life its a dance between what we want and what we fear . but this dance does not have to be hard . and it wont be as long as we trust our guts . because i do believe that we are wiser than we ever think .

1+1=3 that’s what my gut was telling me at some point in my journey after reading this

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind .”– Napoleon Hill

What if .. 1+1 it doesn’t have to be 2 . and if that’s true how can I do this in my day to day life . and I found it . Combining what I love to do (my passion) with a true and simple intention . and what that will create . It will great actions.

The journey towards this goal it wasn’t easy. but deep down i knew that if i wanted to see the greatest light I’m aiming to reach I must be willing to face some serious darkness .

And the result of those moments of darkness . it was a moments of clarity . moments where it was absolutely clear what really matters to me the most .

To be continued



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